Łysa Góra Nature Reserve

49°34'05"N 21°33'24"E (49.568333, 21.556667)

The Łysa Góra forest nature reserve was marked out in the so-called The Magura Range of the Beskid Niski with Magura Małastowska (814 m above sea level) and Magura Wątkowska (847 m above sea level). In the north-eastern section, it covers the forested slopes of the mountain range called Łysa Góra. It was established in 2003, its area covers 160.74 ha, in the area administratively belonging to the villages of Łysa Góra and Stary Żmigród. 

 The reserve protects the group of fertile Carpathians beech and the mountain lacewood, where beech, fir, larch, sycamore, small-leaved lime, wychelm, and artificially planted by a man white pine occur. There are approx. 240 species of plants, mostly belonging to the typical forest flora of the medium mountain locations. Three of the most protected plants in reserve are hart's tongue, English yew, and European bladdernut. There is a rich fauna in reserve, which is characteristic of the Carpathian's lower zone. 

In reserve occurs a rare beetle – rosalia longicorn, which is included in the Polish Red List of Threatened Species and a slightly more common wasp spider, until recently under strict protection.

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