
Czarna Górna 74
49°19'25"N 22°40'07"E (49.323861, 22.668831)

Nowadays Czarna is a large village located at the junction of Large and Small Bieszczady Ring Road, between Ustrzyki Dolne and Lutowiska. The settlement was established under Wallachian law in 1505. Village since 1944 till 1951 belonged to the USSR. As a result of signing the agreement of borders change the village was again in Poland. The name of the village probably refers to the fact that this region was rich in petroleum, which was discovered in the 19th century. To this day, hiking the touristic trail around Czarna one can observe pumpjacks, which still occasionally pump oil. Characteristic feature of Czarna’s oil is relatively high content of hard asphalts, thanks to which the oil belongs to the highest quality ones, used for specialized oils manufacture. There are also mineral waters here, and Czarna for some period of time had a spa status. These are mainly acid-carbonate-sodium waters, although a small part of the waters belongs to iodine-chlorine water with a high carbonate content. At present they are not exploited. In the village is a historic Greek Catholic Church of Saint Dymitr the Great Martyr, which was built in 1834, now serving as a Roman Catholic church. As one of a few Bieszczady Orthodox churches, this one has an original iconostasis, incomplete though.

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