Bukowe Berdo

49°05'35"N 22°44'26"E (49.093056, 22.740556)

Bukowe Berdo is sometimes also called Połonina Dźwiniacka, is a longitudinal mountain pasture with three culminations, the highest one is 1311 m. a. s. l. Characteristic feature of Bukowe Berdo is the presence of numerous sandstone rocks. It might be the reason for the name for this mountain pasture, because the Boykos called with the word "berdo" rocky mountain shores. On one of these outcrops, we can find a board dedicated to Marian Hadło, the long-term president of the Bieszczady GOPR Group.

The ridge parts are largely overgrown with shrubby forms of rowan. At Bukowe Berdo, we can find sites of rare plants such as Eastern Carpathian peas or Orobanche alba Stephan ex Willd.

The fastest way – only abaout 1 hour – to get to Bukowe Berdo -  is to follow the yellow trail from Muczne. Next, the yellow trail joins the blue trail that leads along the entire length of the mountain pasture. From Bukowe Berdo there is a wide view in all directions, especially on the mountains at the Ukrainian side.

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