Ulič, Mergancov Kameň Educational Trail

Mergancov Kameň Educational Trail is five kilometers long (back and forth). The nature trail ends at the so-called Merganca Stone, from where you should go back to Ulič village. There are eight information boards on the path and it has about 150 m elevation. There is an information board near the stone, from which you can learn the sad story about the game-warden Rudolf Mergancu, that actually happened at this place.

On your way to Merganca Stone you will also pass by the sixth information board, from which you will learn some information about the geology of the area. You may also be interested in information about so-called Diamonds from Marmarošský. This is not about real diamonds of course, these are unfortunately not in Slovakia. It is a very pure, transparent flint mineral, forming crystals that do not occur often.

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