A miraculous spring in Zwierzyń it used to be the destination of many pilgrimages. The legend says, that in this place the chapel supposed to be built, but the collected building materials disappeared in a strange way. A spring was found in which the young woman saw the cross. This small cross was from the 13th century from Limoges locality in France, 1500 km away from Zwierzyń, and is a rare example of the so-called limousine products (liturgical objects covered with colored enamel). This place became then a place of cult and the name of the place refers to these events - Zwierzyń from the word Zdwiżyn- which in Russian language can be translated as an elevation (the main feast was theElevation of the Holy Cross). Oscar Kolberg writes that people who were helped by the water with eye diseases continued coming to spring for this water. After the war, the spring was forgotten, although many used the water to harvest the fields. Since 1994 the splendor of this place began to be restored. An access road was created along which the stations of the cross were set, the well was renovated and a stone grotto with the figure of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception was constructed.
One can get to the grotto with the miraculous spring with the green trail.